Our Edge
Our clients benefit from the favourable characteristics of our service offerings in concert with the combined skill, experience and dynamic of the investment team to consistently deliver to return objectives. The reasons to invest through Adansonia are:
We have a proven and repeatable investment approach that has consistently created value.
We are a highly skilled and experienced team of institutional investors that have proven we can successfully employ this investment approach.
The Team has a strong and consistent track record of outperformance.
Our philosophy is centred on taking a global approach to investments. The global equity market is a large and prospective asset class to which Australian investors are significantly underexposed.
We have a highly competitive and transparent fee structure.
Our approach allows investors to gain exposure to the best opportunities world-wide and further diversify investment returns and spread risk.
Our approach employs a tax efficient, flexible and transparent holding structure for client portfolios.
We are an Australian based company, easily accessible to Australian clients.
Owning 100% of the business and co-invested alongside investors, we’re strongly aligned and incentivised to deliver for our clients.